Ask 2: Can Houston school crossing guards stop traffic on a main street to let cars exit a side street?
Read full article: Ask 2: Can Houston school crossing guards stop traffic on a main street to let cars exit a side street?A viewer asked our traffic expert, Justina Latimer: "Can school crossing guards stop traffic on a main street to let cars exit a side street even when there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk?"
Ask 2: Who yields during an exit on Houston freeways when continuing on feeder?
Read full article: Ask 2: Who yields during an exit on Houston freeways when continuing on feeder?A viewer asked KPRC 2 traffic expert Justina Latimer the following: "When you exit from a freeway and the lane continues on the same lane so you can go straight to the feeder, who yields?"
ASK 2: Law enforcement presence managing Houston’s HOV lanes
Read full article: ASK 2: Law enforcement presence managing Houston’s HOV lanesA viewer asked our traffic expert, Justina Latimer, “Why can they not enforce the two or more people on the managed lanes. I see so many people who use the HOV lane that only have one person in the vehicle. They need much better enforcement on these lanes.”
Ask 2: Red and blue flashing lights on tow trucks, is that legal?
Read full article: Ask 2: Red and blue flashing lights on tow trucks, is that legal?A viewer asked KPRC 2's Justina Latimer: "I see more and more tow trucks with red and blue flashing lights. I thought only police can have red and blue flashing lights. Is this legal?"
Ask 2: Why do many drivers drive with no headlights on? Shouldn’t their headlights be on if their wiper blades are on?
Read full article: Ask 2: Why do many drivers drive with no headlights on? Shouldn’t their headlights be on if their wiper blades are on?Here are a few suggestions on how to safely drive during the rain. #Ask2 #DrivingSafety #HoustonTraffic
Motorcycle Safety: What is allowed on Texas roads for riders?
Read full article: Motorcycle Safety: What is allowed on Texas roads for riders?May is National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and as we remind drivers to share the road and stay alert, we answer the question on the legalities of motorcyclists "swerving" in between other cars.
ASK 2: ‘Is parking downtown free on the weekends, mostly by Sandy Reed Memorial Trails and center on Allen Parkway?’
Read full article: ASK 2: ‘Is parking downtown free on the weekends, mostly by Sandy Reed Memorial Trails and center on Allen Parkway?’At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston.
ASK 2: What should you do when a driver comes to an intersection with a flashing yellow left turn arrow?
Read full article: ASK 2: What should you do when a driver comes to an intersection with a flashing yellow left turn arrow?At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston.
ASK 2: ‘I have used the toll road without EZTAG. How can I pay for it, and how can I get an EZTAG’
Read full article: ASK 2: ‘I have used the toll road without EZTAG. How can I pay for it, and how can I get an EZTAG’Check out this important information about paying for toll roads without an EZTAG and how to get one! #Houston #TollRoads #EZTAGs #PayYourTolls
ASK 2: ‘I requested an EZ TAG for my 2nd vehicle. Can I use the EZ TAG lanes while wait for them to be sent by mail’
Read full article: ASK 2: ‘I requested an EZ TAG for my 2nd vehicle. Can I use the EZ TAG lanes while wait for them to be sent by mail’Yes, you may use the EZ TAG lane throughout the state while you wait for your tag.
Ask 2: What advice do you have for young parents who are teaching their teens how to drive?
Read full article: Ask 2: What advice do you have for young parents who are teaching their teens how to drive?At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston.
ASK 2: What is goal and timeline of the roadwork on 288 southbound down to Lake Jackson?
Read full article: ASK 2: What is goal and timeline of the roadwork on 288 southbound down to Lake Jackson?We reached out to the Texas Dept. of Transportation to learn more. Here is what we learned about the SH-288 bridge projects.
Ask 2: How can I report an uninspected, out-of-registration vehicle to Houston Police Department?
Read full article: Ask 2: How can I report an uninspected, out-of-registration vehicle to Houston Police Department?“How can I report an uninspected, out-of-registration vehicle to the Houston Police Department? I've tried and they seem to be totally indifferent.”
Ask 2: What to do when your neighbor constantly runs their motorcycle and won’t quit
Read full article: Ask 2: What to do when your neighbor constantly runs their motorcycle and won’t quitThis suggestion comes from Law Enforcement Liaison, Katie Alexander. She says, calling the police should be your last option.
Ask 2: Is it okay to turn on your hazard lights while driving in inclement weather?
Read full article: Ask 2: Is it okay to turn on your hazard lights while driving in inclement weather?At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston.
ASK 2: Is it illegal to park an 18-wheeler in unincorporated Harris County residential streets?
Read full article: ASK 2: Is it illegal to park an 18-wheeler in unincorporated Harris County residential streets?It is illegal only if a sign is posted. If there is a sign and you proceed to park, you could pay a hefty price. Law Enforcement Liaison, Katie Alexander shared her perspective on the topic.
Ask 2: Are there any laws in Texas that state dogs must be ‘buckled’ or secured while inside a passenger vehicle?
Read full article: Ask 2: Are there any laws in Texas that state dogs must be ‘buckled’ or secured while inside a passenger vehicle?KPRC 2′s Justina Latimer is answering YOUR questions about Houston traffic.
Ask 2: When schools are out for a holiday and the school zone lights are flashing do we still have to go 20 mph?
Read full article: Ask 2: When schools are out for a holiday and the school zone lights are flashing do we still have to go 20 mph?At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston.
Ask 2: What’s going on with all the construction near Westpark Drive?
Read full article: Ask 2: What’s going on with all the construction near Westpark Drive?At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston.
Ask 2: Is it illegal to cross through a parking lot to avoid traffic light?
Read full article: Ask 2: Is it illegal to cross through a parking lot to avoid traffic light?Ask 2: Is it illegal to cross through a parking lot to avoid traffic light? As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Is it illegal to cross through a parking lot to avoid traffic lights? Answer: It is definitely illegal to cut through a parking lot to avoid a light and turn from one highway to another. If you’re wondering, the rule is in place for safety, because of the amount of pedestrian traffic in a parking lot.
Ask 2: What’s the proper way to cross a median?
Read full article: Ask 2: What’s the proper way to cross a median?The confusion comes when the crossover is not striped - people aren’t sure which side of the crossover they should use. If the crossover is at an intersection and the median is *less than 30 feet wide, both ends of the crossover are part of the same intersection. If the crossover is not at an intersection with another highway, the vehicle is not considered to be turning “at an intersection”. When they turn into the crossover, they are simply entering another roadway that is part of the same highway. The crossover is essentially a short roadway that traverses the median.
Ask 2: Can I put my license plate on my windshield?
Read full article: Ask 2: Can I put my license plate on my windshield?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Can I put my license plate on my windshield? Texas is a two-plate state, and according to the Texas Transportation Code, vehicles must have a mounted front and back license plate. Drivers with plates on their windshield are not compliant by law as it may obstruct their vision. Your license plates must also be visible by police within 50 feet.
Ask 2: Can you get highway video for insurance purposes?
Read full article: Ask 2: Can you get highway video for insurance purposes?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Cypress viewer Amy Bailey asks: Can you get highway video for insurance purposes? Answer: For this answer, we contacted Joshua Shideler PIO, Senior Staff Analyst for Houston TranStar who said, “Houston TranStar has a system of approximately 1,000 closed-circuit television cameras within its freeway system. These cameras are used for monitoring freeway incidents and real-time traffic conditions. We don’t record video, but we do keep an eye on all of our cameras every single day.
Ask 2: Who is in charge of fixing street signs?
Read full article: Ask 2: Who is in charge of fixing street signs?Question: Who is in charge of fixing street signs? Answer: You can visit the City of Houston’s 311 website to report a street sign that needs maintenance. You’ll need to provide your email address, so the city can contact you. MobilityHouston is a city-wide conversation created by the City of Houston that invites you to share your ideas and solutions for Houston mobility with your city leaders and other Houstonians. If you have any insight, suggestions or ideas regarding anything transportation, you can call 713-837-0311.
Ask 2: When is the road going to be reopened on Loop 494 north of FM1485?
Read full article: Ask 2: When is the road going to be reopened on Loop 494 north of FM1485?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: When is the road going to be reopened on Loop 494 north of FM1485? Answer: According to the Texas Department of Transportation, this project should be active into the third quarter of 2021. It is taking a little longer than expected due to utility work that needed to be completed in the area. Loop 494 will be expanded from two lanes to four lanes between Sorters McClellan Road and Northpark Plaza.
Ask 2: Is there a violation for putting on makeup (or other distractions) while driving?
Read full article: Ask 2: Is there a violation for putting on makeup (or other distractions) while driving?HOUSTON – Question: Is there a violation for putting on makeup in traffic? Woodard with the Texas Department of Public Safety, there are no specific traffic laws in Texas regarding applying cosmetic products while driving, but any kind of distracted driving, is highly discouraged. Applying make-up while driving is considered a manual and visual distraction. If you cause a crash because you were putting on makeup, Woodard says you can get a ticket. This is why: The driver failed to control their speed.
Ask 2 Traffic: What is recycled asphalt?
Read full article: Ask 2 Traffic: What is recycled asphalt?Question: What is recycled asphalt? Answer: After speaking with The Texas Department of Transportation, reclaimed asphalt pavement, or RAP for short, is defined as salvaged, milled, pulverized, broken or crushed asphalt pavement. There’s also recycled asphalt shingle or RAS, which is defined as processed asphalt shingle material from the manufacturing of asphalt roofing shingles or from re-roofing residential structures. TxDOT uses RAP and RAS in their hot mix asphalt. The maximum allowable percentages of RAP or RAS vary depending on the hot mix types.
Ask 2: Can you still use your arm to make a turn?
Read full article: Ask 2: Can you still use your arm to make a turn?HOUSTON – At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things HoustonQuestion: Can you still use your arm to you’re making a turn? Answer: According to Sec. 545.106 of the Texas Transportation Code that talks about signaling, “Except as provided by Subsection (b), an operator required to give a stop or turn signal shall do so by:using the hand and arm; orlighting signal lamps approved by the department.”So yes, it is legal to signal with your arm to indicate that you are turning.
Ask 2: Why is the bridge is still closed on Lawndale near Brays Bayou?
Read full article: Ask 2: Why is the bridge is still closed on Lawndale near Brays Bayou?(I) wanna know how come the bridge is still out on Lawndale between Wayside and 75th Street?”Answer: This project is actually taking care of two bridges in the area: the Lawndale Bridge and the Telephone Road Bridge over Brays Bayou. The Harris County Flood Control District kicked off their construction back in April 2020. Both bridges will be replaced with a newbridge that will have four 11-foot wide lanes and 10-foot sidewalks on both sides of the bridge. The Lawndale bridge will have two 6-feet bike lanes. Construction is expected to wrap up this Spring.
Ask 2: What is the law in Texas about parking on the streets along curbs in residential neighborhoods?
Read full article: Ask 2: What is the law in Texas about parking on the streets along curbs in residential neighborhoods?HOUSTON – At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Our viewer Tracy wants to know: What is the law in Texas about parking on the streets along curbs in residential neighborhoods? Answer: Here is what the Texas law says about where a driver cannot park:A driver can’t temporarily park within 20 feet of a driveway entranceYou also can’t on the roadway side of a vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a streetOn a sidewalkIn an intersectionOn a crosswalkYou can get more information on the Texas Department of Transportation’s road manual here.
Ask 2: Who has the right-of-way at a four-way traffic stop?
Read full article: Ask 2: Who has the right-of-way at a four-way traffic stop?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Who has the right-of-way at a four-way traffic stop? Signaling is very important in order to avoid crashes at a four-way stop. Also, think about this, if two cars arrive at the same time across from each other and both are planning to turn, who goes first? Another scenario involves a yellow blinking light at a four-way intersection, the same scenario, two cars arrive across from each other at the same time, who goes first?
Ask 2: I have a RV and am only in Texas part of the year. What do I do about registering my vehicle?
Read full article: Ask 2: I have a RV and am only in Texas part of the year. What do I do about registering my vehicle?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Ask 2: I have a RV and am only in Texas part of the year. Answer: Are you a person who loves to take long, cross-country road trips and usually camps out in their RV? These drivers may title and register their car/RV in Texas if they have a Texas address. Once you return to the state, you must complete a Texas vehicle inspection within three days of arrival at your home, duty station, or destination.”
Ask 2: Why do many drivers drive with no headlights on? Shouldn’t their headlights be on if their wiper blades are on?
Read full article: Ask 2: Why do many drivers drive with no headlights on? Shouldn’t their headlights be on if their wiper blades are on?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things HoustonQuestion: Jeff Linhart: Why do many drivers, drive with no headlights on? Shouldn’t their headlights be on if their wiper blades are on? Answer: Great question Jeff. If you would like me to answer your traffic question, send me your video! Just visit my page Facebook page: KPRC 2 Anavid Reyes and send me a message with your video.
Ask 2: Can you tell me if car inspections are still waived due to COVID? What about registrations?
Read full article: Ask 2: Can you tell me if car inspections are still waived due to COVID? What about registrations?Question: Connie H Schiller asks, “Can you tell me if car inspections are still waived due to COVID? Since we’re still battling this pandemic, the waiver for vehicle registration, which first went into effect on March 16, is still active. Though, this buys drivers time to take care of their vehicle registration, if you want to go ahead and get it done now you can. Taking the bottom portion of your registration renewal letter, accompanied by your payment and mailing it to your county tax office is another option. Remember, when DPS announces their new timeline for vehicle registrations, you’ll still have a 60-day period before you must renew.
Ask 2: What are crews doing on Fountain View Drive between Westheimer, Richmond?
Read full article: Ask 2: What are crews doing on Fountain View Drive between Westheimer, Richmond?HOUSTON – At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: George asks, What are crews doing on Fountain View Drive between Westheimer, Richmond? Answer: Traffic Expert Anavid Reyes reached out to the City of Houston, and according to Houston Public Works, crews are will be installing sanitary sewer lines, manholes, reinforce concrete pavement, improving curbs, and adjusting water and sanitary sewer lines. Fountain View Drive constructionThe project has two phases:Phase 1: Fountain View Drive from Gulfton to Schumber Lane - Spring 2020 to Spring 2021Phase 2: Fountainview from Schumber Lane to Westheimer - Spring 2021 to Spring 2022
Ask 2: Why are there so many potholes on Houston streets?
Read full article: Ask 2: Why are there so many potholes on Houston streets?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Why are there so many potholes on Houston streets? Answer: The City of Houston says, we have about 16,000 lane miles of city streets and potholes are bound to happen at any point. The City of Houston also says, because of our weather, Houstonians can expect to see potholes all year round. In other cities, more potholes happen in the winter and spring after cold temperatures, rain or snow.
Ask 2: Why do they keep closing 59 between Gessner and Fondren?
Read full article: Ask 2: Why do they keep closing 59 between Gessner and Fondren?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Why do they keep closing 59 between Gessner and Fondren? Answer: Terrence lives on the Southwest part of town and wanted to know why the Southwest Freeway keeps getting shut down for construction on the weekends. I spoke to the Department of Transportation and they said, the construction taking place between Gessner and Fondren is not part of the interchange project with the West Loop. The project is planned to be complete by the end of December/beginning of next year, weather depending.
Ask 2: How many City Pride Signs can a city have?
Read full article: Ask 2: How many City Pride Signs can a city have?HOUSTON – At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: How many City Pride Signs can a city have? Answer: A city may install one City Pride Sign per highway entering the city. The Texas Department of Transportation developed the “City Pride Sign Program” to give cities the opportunity to display the names and logos of their civic organizations along state highways without interfering with official highway signs.
Ask 2: What do police consider to be aggressive driving?
Read full article: Ask 2: What do police consider to be aggressive driving?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: What do police consider to be aggressive driving? Answer: Operating a vehicle in a way that endangers people or property is aggressive driving. If you get caught you can be fined up to $200 for each violation, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. Don’t yell obscenities or make inappropriate hand gestures, and don’t respond to drivers who do.
Ask 2: What’s up with the folded sign on Southwest Freeway near Sugar Land?
Read full article: Ask 2: What’s up with the folded sign on Southwest Freeway near Sugar Land?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: What’s up with the folded sign on Southwest Freeway near Sugarland? Answer: According to the Texas Department of Transportation, many people were wondering about the folded overhead sign on the Southwest Freeway that directs traffic to exit Sugar Land and Stafford. TXDOT responded to these multiple reports and has contacted their Fort Bend and west Harris County maintenance teams to quickly fix the issue. Send it our way, and we will try to hunt down an answer.
Ask 2: Is there a new public dumpster by 249?
Read full article: Ask 2: Is there a new public dumpster by 249?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Is there a new public dumpster by 249? Answer: Precinct 4′s public dumpster has moved. The dumpster previously located on Spring Cypress Road in Spring is now located at Service Center Road in Tomball off of State Highway 249 on the southbound frontage road, south of Alice. Send it our way, and we will try to hunt down an answer.
Ask 2: How can I get to a voting poll if I don’t have a car?
Read full article: Ask 2: How can I get to a voting poll if I don’t have a car?Question: How can I get to a voting poll if I don’t have a car? Answer: Agencies around town are offering free rides to the polls. The free rides will be offered from Oct. 27-29 and on Nov. 3. BCycleEarly voting is here, and BCycle can get you to your nearest polling location while the lines are still short. Lyft will have 50-percent off one ride up to $10 to any polling location or dropbox using the promo code 2020vote.
Ask 2: How do you designate a highway?
Read full article: Ask 2: How do you designate a highway?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: How do you designate a highway? Answer: According to the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas Legislature established several memorial sign programs to honor certain individuals, places or organizations. Knowing that TXDOT’s top priorities are focusing limited taxpayer dollars on highway safety and maintenance, reducing congestion and connecting Texas communities, state law requires outside resources to cover the costs of constructing and installing these signs. For more information on the Memorial Sign Program visit and search keyword “Memorial Sign."
Ask 2: How will a traffic ticket affect my insurance rates?
Read full article: Ask 2: How will a traffic ticket affect my insurance rates?Question: How will a traffic ticket affect my insurance rates? Answer: According to different traffic entities, it is likely that your insurance will be impacted by certain traffic tickets. For example, getting a speeding ticket may increase the amount you pay for car insurance. Speeding tickets are considered part of your driving record and insurance companies can check your driving record. The companies can then use the information to help determine your risk of having an accident or making an insurance claim.
Ask 2: Who decides whether a stop sign is needed?
Read full article: Ask 2: Who decides whether a stop sign is needed?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Who decides whether a stop sign is needed? Answer: According to traffic experts, the City of Houston in combination with the city’s planning department, usually determines where to place stop signs, so that they provide the best benefit to the neighborhood as a whole. Also keep in mind, determining where to place a stop sign is a methodical process that requires a lot of planning, so often the city’s engineering in conjunction with Houston Public Works and the Houston Police Department are also involved. Details that play a factor in where to place a stop sign include traffic flow, volume, intersection configuration, and traffic accident reports.
Ask 2: Is it okay to hang my face mask in my rear-view mirror?
Read full article: Ask 2: Is it okay to hang my face mask in my rear-view mirror?(Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. HOUSTON – At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Is it okay to hang my face mask in my rear-view mirror? Answer: According to AAA, the short answer is no.
Ask 2: Can I turn right on a red signal if I am on the second lane from the right that allows right turns?
Read full article: Ask 2: Can I turn right on a red signal if I am on the second lane from the right that allows right turns?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Can I turn right on a red signal if I am on the second lane from the right that allows right turns? According to Thelma Rasmus, driving instructor for Broussard Driving School in Houston, in order to legally turn right on red, you must be on the farther right lane. It is illegal to turn right on the second lane if the traffic signal is red. Rasmus said drivers must adhere to traffic signs that prohibit turning on a red traffic light.
Ask 2: Is it illegal to cross a parking lot to avoid a traffic light?
Read full article: Ask 2: Is it illegal to cross a parking lot to avoid a traffic light?At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Is it illegal to cross a parking lot to avoid a traffic light? Section 545.423 of the Texas Transportation Code stated that drivers “may not cross a sidewalk or drive through a driveway, parking lot, or business or residential entrance without stopping the vehicle.”Drivers also cannot cross or drive in or on a sidewalk, driveway, parking lot, or residence at an intersection to turn from one highway to another, especially when avoiding a traffic light. Send it our way, and we will try to hunt down an answer.
Ask 2: How can I get a handicap parking sticker for my car?
Read full article: Ask 2: How can I get a handicap parking sticker for my car?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: How can I get a handicap parking sticker for my car? You can get more information from the Mayor’s Office for People With Disabilities, and the City of Houston Parking Management Division. There are consequences if you are illegally parked in an Accessible Parking Space. The City of Houston’s website says:A vehicle parked in an accessible parking space without a valid placard or plate is subject to a $500 fine.
Ask 2: What sort of roadwork is going on on State Highway 3 south, beginning at El Dorado?
Read full article: Ask 2: What sort of roadwork is going on on State Highway 3 south, beginning at El Dorado?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: What sort of roadwork is going on on State Highway 3 south, beginning at El Dorado? Answer: Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin and Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioner Adrian Garcia announced that construction on the El Dorado Boulevard widening project began May of this year. “This is a vital road infrastructure project that will address mobility issues in this fast-growing region,” said Mayor Pro Tem Martin. “With the help of Harris County Precinct 2, we are glad to officially break ground on this long-awaited project.
Ask 2: How can I have a ‘Quiet Zone’ study done in my area to prevent train-horn noise?
Read full article: Ask 2: How can I have a ‘Quiet Zone’ study done in my area to prevent train-horn noise?Question: How can I have a “Quiet Zone” study done in my area to prevent train-horn noise? Answer: According to the city of Houston’s website, the “Quiet Zone” program was developed to address train-horn noise near neighborhoods. There is currently a list of 31 areas that are petitioning for a “Quiet Zone” and the process is lengthy. Unfortunately, there is no funding for “Quiet Zone” projects at this time. You can learn more about “Quiet Zone” requirements here.
Ask 2: What do I do if I have a water main break?
Read full article: Ask 2: What do I do if I have a water main break?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: What do I do if I have a water main break? Answer: Residents are asked to call the 3-1-1 service request line or fill out the online form available at Houston 3-1-1 Service Request Index to report a minor water main break. To follow up on the request, residents are asked to call 832-393-3004 or e-mail the office at with your 3-1-1 service number. Fill out the form below and we will try to get you answers.
Ask 2: Does the Americans with Disabilities Act require the city of Houston to provide sidewalks?
Read full article: Ask 2: Does the Americans with Disabilities Act require the city of Houston to provide sidewalks?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Does the Americans with Disabilities Act require the city to provide sidewalks? Answer: According to Houston Public Works, the answer is no. However, when the City of Houston builds a sidewalk, it must be accessible to persons with disabilities to the extent technically feasible. You can apply to request a sidewalk to be built near your neighborhood through the Houston Public Works Sidewalk Program.
Ask 2: I parked my vehicle in a non-city owned parking lot and it’s been booted? What do I do?
Read full article: Ask 2: I parked my vehicle in a non-city owned parking lot and it’s been booted? What do I do?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: I parked my vehicle in a non-city owned parking lot and it’s been booted? Answer: If you paid to park in the lot and can provide a copy of your receipt, the lot owner must release your vehicle, but an administrative fee may be charged. If you cannot provide proof of payment for the parking, you may be charged up to $100 plus the parking fees to remove the boot. If you feel you were unfairly booted, you may request a boot hearing in the Harris County Justice of the Peace Court.
Ask 2: Why is Kuykendahl pronounced ‘kEr ken-dAHl?'
Read full article: Ask 2: Why is Kuykendahl pronounced ‘kEr ken-dAHl?'As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Why is Kuykendahl pronounced “kEr ken-dAHl?”Answer: Kuykendahl Road was named after settlers who emigrated from Germany in the 1800s, according to Houston History Magazine. When “Kuykendahl” is translated from German to English, the u and y produce an -er sound. The last two syllables of the word are pronounced how it is spelled. Send it our way, and we will try to hunt down an answer.
Ask 2: I’ve ordered my EZ Tags, can I still use the toll roads while I wait for them to arrive?
Read full article: Ask 2: I’ve ordered my EZ Tags, can I still use the toll roads while I wait for them to arrive?Question:Answer: There are a few ways to use the toll roads while waiting for your new EZ Tags to arrive by mail. You can download the EZ Tag app on your smartphone to temporarily add your vehicle’s plate number and the mininum amount of tolls you plan to use. On your EZ Tag account, you are able to add your vehicle as an “EZ Plate” account for a limited time. You may only use your vehicle in toll lanes marked “EZ Tag” only, and rates are based on cash lanes. Otherwise, no action is needed and you may continue to use the toll roads as usual, as the Harris County Toll Road Authority is billing toll drivers by mail in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ask 2: When are parking meters enforced?
Read full article: Ask 2: When are parking meters enforced?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: When are parking meters enforced? Answer: According to the city of Houston, parking meters are enforced Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., except where pay station or posted signs indicate otherwise. Parking meters are not enforced on official city holidays. For a full list of official city of Houston observed holidays, please click here.
How to join the KPRC 2 traffic team on Waze
Read full article: How to join the KPRC 2 traffic team on WazeKPRC 2 and Waze have teamed up to help you navigate the tricky traffic in Houston. Heres how you can join our team:Download the free Waze app from your app store. Scroll down and tap Teams. Select KPRC 2 from the list. Joining the team lets you report a trouble spot to KPRC 2 traffic expert Anavid Reyes. Then, she might use your report to help inform other drivers about the problem.
ASK2: Will the city fix a sidewalk in my neighborhood?
Read full article: ASK2: Will the city fix a sidewalk in my neighborhood?HOUSTON At KPRC 2, were dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things HoustonQuestion: Will the city fix a sidewalk in my neighborhood? Answer: According to the City of Houston, maintenance and repair of neighborhood sidewalks is the responsibility of the abutting property owner, and the city will only replace sidewalks in very specific circumstances, such as on a busy thoroughfare, near a school, or for citizens with mobility impairments. If you have any questions about your particular sidewalk in the City of Houston, visit the website Safe Sidewalks web page for more information about the Safe Sidewalk Program.
Ask 2: What is highway hypnosis?
Read full article: Ask 2: What is highway hypnosis?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: What is highway hypnosis? Answer: Highway hypnosis occurs when driving on a highway for an extended period of time. When this happens, the driver operates the vehicle in a dulled, drowsy, trance-like state. Always be aware of your surroundings and take frequent breaks as needed to avoid falling asleep behind the wheel.
Ask 2: Are truck drivers who have a not responsible for broken windshields or damage to vehicle sign really not held liable?
Read full article: Ask 2: Are truck drivers who have a not responsible for broken windshields or damage to vehicle sign really not held liable?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Are truck drivers who have a not responsible for broken windshields or damage to vehicle sign really not held liable? Answer: No, a warning sign does not protect the vehicle operator or trucking company from being held legally responsible for the damages they cause, according to one expert. However, drivers should be aware the ruling could go against them, the attorney said. According to Bonilla, while Texas truck drivers do have a high duty of care and responsibility to attempt to keep drivers around them safe, other motorists assume some risk if following too closely behind trucks carrying a load of rocks.
ASK 2: Who do I call if the street lights on my block have gone out?
Read full article: ASK 2: Who do I call if the street lights on my block have gone out?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Who do I call if the street lights on my block have gone out? Answer: According to the city of Houston, street light outages should be reported directly to CenterPoint Energy at 713-207-2222 or online at the CenterPoint Energy website Electric Outage Center. Please note, if there is a City construction project in the area, CenterPoint Energy will frequently disconnect power to the street lights for the duration of the project. CenterPoint will not re-energize the lights until the project has been completely finished.
ASK 2: Where did Kuykendahl get its name from?
Read full article: ASK 2: Where did Kuykendahl get its name from?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Where did Kuykendahl get its name from? Answer: Mister McKinney with Mister McKinneys Historic Houston told KPRC 2, Kuykendahl Road is named after early Texas German immigrant Henry A. Kuykendahl, who lived with his family along Cypress Creek. The road went through his property and he owned large tracks of land in the area. He was also active in the Houston community and was the founder of the German Society of Texas in 1840.
Ask 2: If you get a red light camera ticket do you still have to pay it even if they have been outlawed?
Read full article: Ask 2: If you get a red light camera ticket do you still have to pay it even if they have been outlawed?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Humble still has them, but if you get a red light camera ticket do you still have to pay it even if Abbott outlawed them? Answer: Effective June 2, 2019, per HB 1631, 86th Texas Legislature, local authorities are no longer permitted to install or operate photographic traffic signal enforcement systems, or red light cameras, and use of evidence from photographic enforcement systems is prohibited. So, what this means is, if a municipality is under contract with an entity to enforce the red light camera system, and cant break it, they are legally allowed to continue using red light cameras until the contract is terminated. Now, since the ticket is a civic violation and not a criminal violation, there is no language that can force you to pay.
ASK 2: How much does it cost to tow your car?
Read full article: ASK 2: How much does it cost to tow your car?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: How much does it cost to tow your car? The Gulf Coast Regional Tow-and-Go service can tow your car up to one mile for free. Remember this service does not cover you if you were involved in a crash. Otherwise, a typical tow fee is $100.
Ask 2: What happens when 2 cars come to a four-way stop at the same time?
Read full article: Ask 2: What happens when 2 cars come to a four-way stop at the same time?As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: What happens when two cars come to a four-way stop at the same time? Answer: If two vehicles come to a stop at a four-way stop, at the same time and are side-by-side, the right-of-way goes to the person who is on the right. This is not an optional yield sign. The law states "the operator of a vehicle approaching an intersection with a stop sign shall stop."
Ask 2: Why are the road construction companies not made to clean up after themselves -- trash, concrete, overgrown grass?
Read full article: Ask 2: Why are the road construction companies not made to clean up after themselves -- trash, concrete, overgrown grass?Question: Why are the road construction companies are not made to clean up after themselves -- trash, concrete, overgrown grass? Answer: Regular road inspections and timely debris removal are critical components of the Debris and Spills Maintenance Program. This maintenance program removes debris, litter, illegal dumpsites and signs, and encroachments from TxDOTs highways and right-of-way (ROW), it helps keep the traveling public safe from potentially dangerous obstacles. Removing litter and debris helps to keep TxDOTs highways clean and aesthetically appealing, as well as keeping roadway drains clear and working properly to prevent flooding. You can report roadway debris or litter problems to TxDOT by clicking here.
ASK 2: Is the DMV still waiving vehicle registration renewals?
Read full article: ASK 2: Is the DMV still waiving vehicle registration renewals?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: Is the DMV still waiving vehicle registration renewals? Answer: Drivers, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is continuing to waive vehicle registration renewals and will continue to do so until 60 days after TxDMV announces an update to this. This waiver applies to both vehicle registration and title, as well as disabled parking placards. According to TxDMV, they will provide further updates via social media and at
Ask 2: What is the money from Harris County toll roads used for?
Read full article: Ask 2: What is the money from Harris County toll roads used for?The original question: Where does the money from the toll roads go to? The answer: The fees collected at Harris County toll roads are used for the operation, maintenance and improvements of existing roads, as well as for funding future expansions, according to the Harris County Toll Road Authority website. The HCTRA site also said that no tax dollars are used for the operation and maintenance of toll roads. To access the countys toll roads, drivers can purchase an EzTag sticker, which allows them to go through without stopping, or they can make a quick stop to make a cash payment at toll booths they drive through. EZTag also works on toll roads in Kansas and Oklahoma.
Ask 2: How do you sign up for Vision Zero pledge, Houstons goal to end traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030?
Read full article: Ask 2: How do you sign up for Vision Zero pledge, Houstons goal to end traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. Question: How do you sign up for Vision Zero pledge? Now more than ever, drivers should exercise safe driving habits while on their commute. Vision Zero Houston is the citys commitment to end traffic deaths and serious injuries on Houston streets by 2030. But I say, no loss of life is acceptable on our roadways, none, zero ...
Ask 2: When are the potholes going to be fixed on Gellhorn Drive?
Read full article: Ask 2: When are the potholes going to be fixed on Gellhorn Drive?HOUSTON – At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things HoustonQuestion: When are the potholes going to be fixed on Gellhorn Drive between Market St and Wallisville in the Pleasantville area ? Answer: After speaking with the city’s traffic department, Traffic Expert Anavid Reyes learned Houston Public Works continues to provide routine maintenance to Gellhorn Drive, including pothole repairs and panel replacements. Houston Public Works uses the pavement condition index, international roughness index and traffic volume data, as well as 311 call data to determine which streets need immediate rehabilitation and reconstruction. The community is urged to report potholes and street repair requests to 311.
Ask 2: Why do we still have to pay Beltway 8 tolls even after its construction is complete?
Read full article: Ask 2: Why do we still have to pay Beltway 8 tolls even after its construction is complete?The answer: There is a lot of confusion about why we still have to pay tolls not only on Beltway 8, but all other toll roads around Harris County. Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA) Assistant Director of Communications Patti Evans says, “It’s a common misconception that Harris County toll roads are paid off, but that is not correct. Harris County continues to pay off bonds that were sold to pay for the design and construction of the existing toll road system.”That’s where tolls come in. Tolls pay back the bonds sold to fund the road construction. If you have any more questions, regarding the Harris County Toll Road Authority, please visit their website.
Ask 2: With schools in the area closed due to the novel coronavirus, do we still need to slow down in school zones when the lights are flashing?
Read full article: Ask 2: With schools in the area closed due to the novel coronavirus, do we still need to slow down in school zones when the lights are flashing?The question: “With schools in the area closed due to the novel coronavirus, do we still need to slow down in school zones when the lights are flashing?”The answer: The simple answer to this question is this: Always follow the law in school zones -- all year long and, yes, even during the coronavirus outbreak. According to the City of Houston Municipal Court, speed limit restrictions in school zones are always enforceable. With that in mind, drivers should always be extremely cautious in school zones. Summer school or other activities are common in and around school buildings outside of the normal school year, and children are a common sight. So, to clear: Observe all speed limits in school zones!
Ask 2: Is it okay to turn on your hazard lights while driving in inclement weather?
Read full article: Ask 2: Is it okay to turn on your hazard lights while driving in inclement weather?At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston.
Ask 2: Is there anything drivers can do about oncoming cars with high beams on?
Read full article: Ask 2: Is there anything drivers can do about oncoming cars with high beams on?The question: Is there anything drivers can do about oncoming cars with high beams on? The answer: An oncoming driver with his high-beam headlights on can make driving very difficult at night. High beams can blind a driver, which is a huge safety hazard. Second, you can quickly flash your high beams a couple of times to make the oncoming driver aware of the fact that his high beams are on. In other words, don’t turn your high beams on and leave them on to retaliate for the other guy’s bad behavior.
Ask 2: Is it illegal to solicit at traffic stops?
Read full article: Ask 2: Is it illegal to solicit at traffic stops?As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. The question: Is it illegal to solicit at traffic stops? The answer: A Channel 2 viewer, Atif, wrote to us with this question. The ordinance stipulates that soliciting is ONLY illegal within eight feet of the person being solicited (the “solicitee”). If a panhandler solicits from a distance greater than eight feet from the solicitee, the action is considered legal.